She became so comfortably numb,being helplessly a victim of her mind.
She cannot recall her childhood dreams, because they’re all gone.
She thinks she has madness in her head,but to be honest that’s not true.
It has become so hard to get rid of this depression.
She always has bad dreams , blood,death, betrayal all has
Become a familiar place to be.

They say the worst place you can be is in your mind,but that her only place
Remincing, sipping, thinking,she is so comfortable staying this way.
She used to be too angry, holding so many grudges.
Now the pain is gone, she’s left empty and hollow.

She’s only left disappointed, she’s still connecting all the dots.
She cried too many tears,but now they’re all dried up.
A heart that was so fragile,became so cold and numb.
Lately,she never says a word, that’s her coping mechanism.
I hope she heals, from all these victimization

Hello is anybody there?

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